Chattanooga Tennessee
By July of 1997, Lebron Hollingsworth and his wife Vicky Witherspoon were having marital problems and had separated. 28-year-old Vicky moved their two children in with her mother a few miles away, though she would continue to drive Lebron to work every morning on her way to her job at the Chattanooga Housing Authority. Lebron had sent flowers as a gesture to reconcile. However a month later, on the morning of August 18th, 1997, Vicky didn’t show up to drive Lebron to work. Nor did she show up to her job. She had vanished, though her car sat parked in her mother’s driveway, where later her brother Keneth Witherspoon said he found a large branch hanging off the tailpipe and the smell of gasoline inside the car.
Vicky’s mother, her brother, as well as Lebron reported Vicky missing. As the husband, investigators looked at Lebron as a possible suspect, even searching his house for Vicky, but found no evidence he was involved in her abduction, and at the time she was still only missing.
Two years later the skeletal remains of Vicky’s body was found under a tarp in a wooded area on what is called Billy Goat Hill, a place located roughly five miles north of Vicky’s mother’s house in Chattanooga. An autopsy revealed Vicky had been stabbed in the neck from the backside on her left hand side, still the case went unsolved.
TV Shows and politicians.
Cold Justice aired March 17, 2014.
15 years later in 2013, producers of Cold Justice entered the picture. Connecting with Hamilton County’s Neil Pinkston who was running for office and elected District Attorney in 2014.
Eleven Roses
Though there was no physical evidence or motive established why Lebron would kill Vicky, producers built a case against Lebron through bizarre interpretations of events that happened 17 years before. Twisting motives to the most evil as possible. For instance, during their separation, Lebron had sent roses to Vicky. 11 roses to be exact. Producers made a great effort to claim that sending 11 roses was a death threat! However, one quick search on Google and we see something much different. According to A gift of Eleven Roses means “you are my treasured one” and signifies true and deep love. A far cry from a death threat! In fact the only source where 11 roses is said to mean a death threat is on Cold Justice.
By the time a second show was made of the case, the claim was doubled down. The need for drama had come to the point where producers were inventing folklore.
Then there was the large branch found hooked on the tail end of the car. The prosecution’s theory being that the branch was lodged on the car’s tailpipe at Lebron’s house when he put the body in the car and drove it to Billy Goat Hill. One issue I have with this is how the hell could one drive with this huge branch hanging from the car the five or so miles each way and not notice it? — go to the trouble of using gasoline to clean the car, but then just leave a branch hanging from the car? Lebron, a union pipe-fitter, would surely notice.
What is so telling about this is that in the second show, “Fatal Attraction episode “Justice Served Cold” on TV One” when these producers recreated the car they used a tiny branch that was a fraction of the size of the real one. A size that was believable to be driven around and overlooked. Meaning to me that they themselves did not believe it possible someone drove the body to Billy Goat Hill and back with that huge branch hanging off the car. Begging the question “was the branch planted on the car.”
“Vicky’s brother Kenneth had been to Lebron’s house before he reported the car and the branch.”
Producers found family members and ex girlfriends who claimed Lebron had made various negative and threatening statements. Vicky’s brother Keneth stated at trial how when he asked Lebron where Vicky was – “he had a “little grin” on his face that suggested that something had happened to her.”
In making the show and touting how sending 11 roses was a death threat, it was clear that the producers had made up their minds and the purpose was to make Lebron appear guilty by any means. Banding with DA Neil Pinkerton to make it so.
While initial investigations of the car suggested the smell of gasoline, no evidence was discovered that led to anything.17 years later the show touted it would use new DNA technology. Swatches from her car were sent to a DNA lab they hired. The lab said they identified a small half inch stain as matching DNA taken from Vicki’sdaughter. Suggesting this small spot was Vicky’s blood.
While producers made a huge issue of this, this was highly misleading as why was this surprising to find a drop of her blood, as it was her car? What did this prove? The prosecution as well argued the body was moved in the car, suggesting the gasoline was used to clean up blood. But gasoline does not destroy DNA! So while it’s possible someone may have used gasoline thinking it would clean the car of DNA, whoever did this was mistaken and if there had been a large quantity of blood in the car a test would have shown this. It did not.
If there had been a large amount of blood in the car, then one could infer Vicky had been stabbed in the car or moved in the car, but this was not the case. In any event, none of this proved Lebron was responsible.
Cold Justice found women that spoke negatively about Lebron, making claims he made all kinds of threats, however one wonders how much of this was influenced by the show and how true any of this is considering the fact Vicki gave Lebron a ride to work every morning.
Perhaps most damning was the testimony of Sandra Sanchez who appeared on the show. She not only told how Lebron had once threatened her, but said he had taken her to Billy Goat Hill. Sanchez however has a history. In 2023 Sanchez was arrested for identity theft, forgery and theft by deception.
• Sandra Regla Sanchez, 37, 200 Richardson Drive, Dalton, was charged Friday by the Whitfield County Sheriff’s Office with two counts of identity theft, forgery in the first degree and theft by deception.
In his words
“In 2015 I was wrongfully convicted in 2015 for the murder of Victoria Witherspoon Carr on fabricated circumstantial evidence to further certain individuals careers in law enforcement.
In this political agenda a True Crime episode was created by a television show called “Cold Justice.” without my consent to assassinate my character in the public view and before any legal proceedings. This episode promoted this circumstantial evidence which was fabricated for television ratings.”
Write Lebron
Lebron Hollingsworth #4739
Bledsoe County Correctional
1045 Horsehead Rd, Pikeville, TN 37367

Greetings Inquiries,
This Facebook group page was created to bring awareness and knowledge on how I was wrongfully convicted for certain individuals political gain to further their careers in law enforcement. I have been incarcerated for over nine plus years, I am still fighting for my exoneration…..This is my story. Two years prior to Ms. Victoria Witherspoon Carr disappearance in August 18, 1997. I had some involvements with the Chattanooga Tennessee County Narcotics Division and a certain female individual I knew thought that I had some involvements with their resident becoming involved with a drug raid bust. The individual issue some threats to my best friend/brother, stating they were going to kill myself and my family. I advised Ms. Carr about the threats of high had transpired. Ms. Carr and I reside in two different residents but, but most of my leisure time would be spent at Ms. Carr resident. Ms. Carr stayed at 1504 Union Avenue and I resided with my disable mother at 1315 East Main Street Extension. My mother was a stroke survivor who suffered the right hand side of her body paralyzed and speechless, after our conversation concerning the threats that were an issue. Ms. Carr decided to go stay at her parents home, because she was ere afraid her kids would become a victim caused by a drive by shooting, and I went to stay with a Ex- girlfriend until everything blew over. My intent was not to bring danger to where my mother resided, plus no one knew where my Ex- resided. I was retiring from many years of Drug distribution in two different states and I’ve always held a job….. I was extremely overwhelmed with the melodramatic that came with the Drug game, where Ms Carr were extremely passionate about the wealth and lavish life style and often engaged in distribution and receiving funds. Ms. Carr vehicle wasn’t operated at the time, so we shared my vehicle which was a 1988 ford mustang Gt. 5.0 convertible. I purchase to run up and down the highway incognito. Ms. Carr knew my Ex- girlfriend when they were kids and she knew my Ex- and I was very close. Ms. Carr would come and pick up and take me to work from my Ex- resident, and pick me up from work, If I needed to run any errands then I would drop her at ff at her mother home, or she would just drop me off. One evening my Ex- sense that something was troubling me, so she began to ask questions about what was on my mind, so I shared the conversation about the threats which were issued, and she became concern and advised me that I had a week before her daughter returned from her summer vacation with her grandparents and I needed to find myself somewhere else to stay. I understand her thoughts, so u went and found a home rental in a area no one would aspect myself to reside in. The Eastlake area an extremely high crime area at 3214 4th Avenue. On August 17, 1997 Sunday 11: am. Ms. Carr and I attended 23rd Street Flea Market and as we browsed through the vendors we ran into an acquaintance name “Adolphus Mitchell. Adolphus Mitchell was a flirtatious pest to Ms. Carr where as he was very well disliked. Ms. Carr torture Mr. Mitchell by showing off her series of tattoos which stated “ I love Adolphus Lebron Hollingsworth Jr.” On her ches, lowerback, and the night leg calf. Mr. Mitchell a acquaintance of my own as we worked for the sake security firm. We provided Celebrity security, Club security, as well as crowd control security. Afterwards Ms. Carr and I laughed we went back to my new temporary rental. On August 18,1997 Ms. Carr was scheduled to take me to work at 5:30am. I walked to a pay phone a few blocks from where I were stayed and I called Ms. Carr page multiple times with the pay phone number with my code behind the number to acknowledge that it was me texting from that number, but he never received a call back or a answer to her mothers resident. Afterwards I called my Ex- Girlfriend/Friend, “Erica cooper” to see if she would be able to give me a ride to work. Ms. Cooper answer and advised me that she had to drop her daughter off at her mothers house, but if she had time afterwards she would come by because she was pressed for time. Ms. Cooper never came by. Next I called “Tommy Vaughn”, ‘deceased’ as I became weary of Ms. Carr no show and I asked Mr. Vaughn had he seen Mr. Carr driving though the neighborhood, which was a frequent mute for Ms. Carr since her brother “Kenneth Witherspoon” resides across the street from Mr. Vaughn and her parents resided at the other end of Duncan Avenue. Mr. Vaughn came to my resident and we caught as ride to Ms. Copper employer at The Social Security Administration Office arriving shortly after 9am. I ask Ms.Cooper to borrow her vehicle. Ms.Cooper agreed to let me use her vehicle, but advised me that I would’ve to return her vehicle by 11am for her lunch break….I agreed. Afterwards Mr.Vaughn and I drove Ms.Carr parents home where as Ms.Carr mother vehicle 1997 Crown Victoria wasn’t present in the driveway, so I immediately assume Ms.Carr and her mother was out running errands somewhere simply because Ms.Carr mother never drove her vehicle unless it was a emergency, although the 1998 Ford Mustang Gt. S,O Convertible was the only vehicle present in the driveway…. Although Mr. Vaughn and I drove past a few dealerships which were closed. I was looking to purchase a second vehicle, because Ms.Carr vehicle wasn’t operational besides I didn’t want to take another chance missing another day of work at a new job. After leaving a dealership, we wan into “Kenneth Witherspoon” brother of the victim in passing. I immediately flagged him down by blowing the horn, he pulled over and he stated he was going on his way to work, so I asked him had he seen his sister, he stated “not since yesterday evening”, so I advised him that his sister was supposed to take me to work at 5:30am, but she was a “no show”, he thought it was funny…. then I asked him if seen her, ask her to come by my resident…. he stated he would relay the message, that was about 10:45am and after our interaction I drove back to the Social Security Office by 11:am, and Ms.Cooper drove Mr.Cooper drove Mr.Vaughn and I back to my resident. Later that afternoon, I walk back to the same pay phone and I called Ms.Carr parents home and Ms.Carr mother answered, and she started questioning me about her daughter’s whereabouts, then she went on to tell me that I had some involvements in her daughter’s disappearance. After our conversation I called the police to report her missing, where as I was advised that I would have to wait twenty four hours before you can report her missing. On August 19, 1997 some detectives came to my resident searched my house then took Mr.Vaughn and I to the Chattanooga Police Department for questioning. I told the detectives what I thought I knew, afterwards I was fingerprinted and photographed, then I thought I was released. Almost two years had past and Ms.Carr body was discovered in June of 1999, I went to the Police Department in concern, but no information was provided to me.
The week of January 22, 2014 I was at home in Amarillo, Texas at 10am I was waiting to be dispatch out to an outage at Detroit Edison Power Plant in Monroe, Michigan. I’ma proud member of the International Brotherhood of Boilermakers local Union. I was working out of local 85 Toledo, Ohio coverage. At 10:30 some Chattanooga, TN Detectives came to Amarillo, TX with a true crime reality show called Cold Justice produced by “Duck Wolf” the producer of Law and Order, to serve a arrest warrant in a 1997 Cold case murder, while being recorded by Cold Justice. This is where I was used as the petitioner for their Political agenda in an injustice Convention. Late in 2013 Assistance District Attorney Neal Pinkston had announce that he was running for the 11th Judicial Hamilton County District Attorney’s Office. Pinkston redeveloped their cold Case unit to promote his campaign. This unit became his pet project. After my indictment Pinkston became District Attorney General. My case was the first case prosecuted by this unit, where as Previously years before Pinkston announcement Detective Bill Phillips presented this case to the District Attorney General William Bill Cox in 2010, and AG Cox advised Detective Phillips that he didn’t have no evidence to present to the Grand Jury to bring this case to prosecution, nevertheless there wasn’t any changes in this case from 1997 to 2014 besides two instances…. 1st instance was a change in Tennessee law on how circumstantial evidence is received. In 2011 Circumstantial evidence now hold the same weight as direct evidence, but previously from 1997 until 2011 circumstantial evidence was not indictable. I was not tried under the law when the crime allegedly was commence in 1997. I was tried and convicted under a 2014 law with Fabricated circumstantial evidence, which is a violation of my due process of law. 2nd instance Cold Justice became involved and created an television episode with the fabricated circumstantial evidence where there were not any indicationI had any involvements to this matter where as one egotistic ADA Pinkston became involved knowingly the circumstantial evidence did not exist, he couldn’t suffer a lost in trial, which would’ve put his reputation and credibility in question in the public view. I was arrested and transported to the Amarillo Police Department for questioning. While being detained, a producer with Dand J Products and he asked me to sign a consent waiver to allow there production company to advertise my image Nationally…. on there episode, I politely declined the offer with a “NO I WILL NOT”, afterwards I was transported to the Potter County Correctional Facility with two police’s I’ve never encounter. On arriving there I was fingerprinted and photographed. I was charge with a First Degree Murder and Twenty hours later, I was released…. I was told the charge of First Degree Murder had been dismiss. Once arriving back home I was able to review my messages and I discovered that I had been dispatched out to the Power Plant in Monroe, Michigan. I drove all night and I arrived the following morning at a motel in Rossiford, Ohio a few blocks away from local 85 union hall, I hired in on night shift as a welder and the next I was arrested at the motel, I was taken to there Country Jail and I was expedited back to Chattanooga Tennessee ten days later, and charged with First Degree Murder… Thirty two days later of incarceration a episode was aired nationally by Cold Justice called “Billy Goat Hill”, which can be reviewed on YouTube, portraying myself as being the petitioner in Victoria Witherspoon Carr murder, advertising my complete image without my consent. While campaigning ADA Pinkston began to use the Local News Media outlets, a True Crime reality television show, which aired nationally to perform Prosecutorial Misconduct to assassinate my character in the public eye by using NON-Credible witnesses who had hidden bias agendas, receiving a incentive for participation. A Detective who for fabricated false circumstantial evidence by deliberately committing perjury under oath, with no regard for common law or justice, where as Trial Judge Rebeca J. Sterns retired overlooked agreed orders of law, and allowed false allegations from NON-Credible witness knowingly that there wasn’t no evidence to sustain a conviction. The Trial Attorney Steven D. Brown with the 11th Judicial Public Defenders Office basically supported this bias plot to uphold a conviction for the Newly elected District Attorney General by not putting fourth our agreed Defense Strategy at Trial, which would’ve created reasonable doubt of the charge of murder. Attorney Brown had in his possession facts of the case…. The state’s theory of the Murdertine line was inaccurate.The state’s theory was a muder was committed at 3214 4th Avenue then transported to Billy Goat Hill, Ridgecrest RD, then the vehicle was taken to 1315 Duncan Avenue, and I walked back to 3214 4th Avenue in the time frame of fifty minutes to one hour. By Google Maps 2022 version from 3214 4th Avenue to Billy Goat Hill, Ridgecrest RD 5.1 miles/ 14 minutes from Billy Goat Hill Rd to 1315 Duncan Avenue 4.1 miles/ 9 minutes walking from 1315 Duncan Avenue to 3214 4th Avenue 59 minutes 2.9 miles. I couldn’t estimate the time frame on dragging a body 900 feet into a wooded area, completely inaccurate. There were facts that the dress the victim was found wearing once her body was discovered, has no blood present on the dress according to the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation and a private Forensics Laboratory called Microtrace LLC. The Detective seeker to have a second opinion for whatever reason…. The dress inspected with white and untraviolent, but the detectives theory was that the victim throat had been severed, which would’ve cut a main artery. The detective said that the blood bled on the inside of the body cavity, after the Chief Medical examiner testified, that the cut would’ve created a bleed out. There were facts that Detective Bill Phillips committed perjury in several instances…. First, the allegedly track impressions that was supposedly found in the backyard at 3214 4th Avenue going through the grass right into a bush… was fabricated. The Crime Scene Photographs and the video of detectives serving their search warrant via crime scene video, clearly shows the impressions patterns doesn’t exist. The anachronism story that the Detectives measured the tire impressions and they were exact fit to width of the victim 1988 Ford Mustang Gt. S,O. Convertible “Fox Body Style” measured 64 inches 5’4 in width from outside wall left to outside wall right. The Ford Corporation has never created Fox Body Style Mustang 5 foot 4 inches in width. From 1979 to 1990 is 69.1 inches 5 foot 9 inches in width and from 1991 to 1993 the width on a LX.5.0 and GT.5.0. Convertibles are 68.3 inches 5 foot 8 1/2 inches in width. The standard tire sizes for a LX. 5,0 and all other GT. Versions are 15×7 and 16×7 inch rims Both rims are seven inches wide without a tire present on the rim, and nine inches wide with a tire mounted on the rim. There was a Dormant grass spot in the grass which is in reference to the tire impression pattern that was portrayed to be a SKID-MARK, which is only 4 to 4 1/2 inches wide with no tread pattern. The crime scene photographs clearly shows only one format spot which the detectives took five photographs at 5 different angles to make it appear to like they had a left and right tire impression where as the prosecution presented these photographs to the jury in a manipulated manner to lead the jury to believe the victim vehicle had been in the backyard at the time of her disappearance, even tho a Turfgrass Management Specialist from Chattanooga State Community College reviewed the Crime Scene grass photographs and determined the spot in the grass was just a dormant spot, which wasn’t caused by a vehicle’s tire. I wasn’t able to hire the Turfgrass Management Specialist as a expert witness in my trial or Post Conviction proceedings due to the expert s employed with the State of Tennessee and he felt it would be a conflict of interest. Last but not Least, the crime scene photographs and the video of the search warrant clearly shows a over-all measurement, which is very disturbing…. because where zero starts on the photographic tape measurer, there is no dormant spot in the grass, No Skid Mark, no nothing. They never had a starting point of origin, which would’ve gave them a measurement of Five Foot Four inches. The victim brother Kenneth Witherspoon was the individual who created this anachronism story and Detective Phillips and AG Pinkston took his theory an ran with their imagination. Originally in 1999 The Detectives sent samples of the victims vehicle to the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation. Several samples were tested…. “The left front seat” test positive for Human blood, very minuscule and the “right front floor “ sample tested inconclusive for the present of human blood. In January 2014 Cold Justice alleged in there episode of Billy Goat Hill, claimant there investigation discovered a minuscule speak of blood that wasn’t eye visible on the right front floor sample. The detectives took a oral mouth swab from the victim daughter’s and they sent all three samples to their partnership laboratory called “Sorenson Forensics for a DNA paternity comparison, Consequently Detective Phillips contacted the Laboratory and requested for only the right front floor sample to be tested, inside the black circle mark tested positive for the victim blood for comparison, but outside the black circle tested negative for human blood. There are facts that Cold Justice has been sued for similar jesters and there lead investigator “Kelly Siegler a ex-District Attorney from Houston, Texas Harris County which was relieved of her duties as a prosecuting Attorney for prosecutorial misconduct on serval cases, which has been overturn. Google “law actions against Cold Justice” or review link if it is still available. Cold Justice has a tendency of offering a financial incentive once a person is indicted and when a Justice system seals a conviction. This type of injustice frequently results in a wrongful conviction and causes the public to lose confidence in our legal systems. Cold Justice also paid for the Detectives transportation to come from Chattanooga, Tennessee to Amarillo, Texas. They paid for their hotel and food commendations, so they could record the detectives serving an arrest warrant. This creates bias, however I’ve been requesting to review the contents of the contact with the City of Chattanooga, TN and Cold Justice, since Detective Bill Phillips has testified in two different proceedings, there was a contract, however the City and County denied it ever being a contract issued, in a Freedom of Information Request act form. Cold Justice was engaged in my arrest indictment, with no Direct or circumstantial evidence. There were facts that Detective Phillips promoted his theory that doing their engagement in the search warrant of 3214 4th Avenue an Cadaver Dog hit on a Dead body scent which led them to a storage shed in the backyard, was Fabricated. After the public defender investigator reviewed the search warrant log, he discovered there was never no Cadaver present doing the Chattanooga Police Department search. Apparently by Tennessee State law, an officer or law enforcement agent would have to sign their signature on the log to legally be engage in their search warrant activity. Detective Phillips also alleged that the victim vehicle left the tire impressions in the grass that went right into a bush as previously mention, so his theory was that a branch broke off from this bush and wedge it’s self under the Mustang tailpipe…. Once again this theory was discovered by the victim brother Kenneth Witherspoon at 9am August 18, 1997, when he made his initial contact with the Chattanooga Police Department, Mr.Witherspoon immediately express to the officers that the branch came from my resident, a place Mr.Witherspoon had never been to my knowledge. I only stayed there for ten days. The branch that was wedge into the tailpipe appeared to bun cut with some type of device about 3/4 of a inch all the way through and then broken into. The branch also appeared to be staged into the tailpipe, because the leaves on the branch an completely dead very weary. The branch is also sticking out about 3 feet outside the passenger side of the vehicle and a smaller branch is touching the ground or street. The Detective theory is that this branch traveled a bought eight to ten miles. Where as not one dead weary leaf blew off this branch with speed limits up to 35 to 45 miles per hour, and the smaller branch is dragging the road. There is no worn marks present on this branch. There aren’t no photographs that reveal branch (A) was broken off from bush (B), which would’ve confirmed this branch came from this bush. The state of Tennessee brought in a Botanist from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga on plants in trial as a expert witness, where as in his initial testimony he testified his expertise is not in Cultivated Plants, however he was still sworn in as an expert and he went on to testify that the bush and the branch were both the same species as Viburnum, but he never since the bush was only the branch that was taken to him. There are no photographs of the detectives taking samples to show there were samples that were taking from this bush. Now the problem is…. In this crime scene video, the bush appears to be very greenery, alive, pruned, and vibrant. The Crime scene detectives testified that no branches were removed prior before making of the Crime Scene video. The bush was pruned prior before the Search Warrant was engaged. The branch is dried up, leaves are dead and weary and the separation time from the bush is only three hours when the branch was discovered. The state’s Theory was the branch was separated between 5am to 5:30am Monday August 18, 1997 and the branch was discovered as early as 8am August 18 1997, there is no way this branch would’ve been in this condition three hours later. The Attorney never seek to consent with an different expert to find out if it was remotely possible for a branch to die within three hours of separation, or even if the bush was actually viburnum. The state rest their case and Mr. Brown immediately jump up and stated “Defense Rest”, which was totally against my wishes and our agreed Defense strategy without consulting with me first. After deliberations for two days…. I was acquitted of 1st Degree Premeditated Murder and I was sentenced to a lessor included of the offense of 2nd Degree Murder, which was completely out of statute of limitations of fifteen years according to the State of Tennessee law in 2015. I learned from my Direct Appeal Attorney’s that the day of my Trial began. Mr.Brown signed a Amended Indictment which allowed me to be sentence to a lessor included of the offense by waiving my statute of limitations Defense. After becoming convicted for a crime I didn’t commit. I file a complaint with The Broad of Professional Responsibility basically removing Mr.Brown from my case. After that I took money out of my Annuity Trust Fund and I hired William Bill Speek with speek webb, Turner, and Newkirk LLC to represent me in my motion for new trial and the direct appeal. Mr.Turner fail to raised a issue of law which would’ve resulted in a new trial. Direct appeal was denied. In my Post Conviction Relief Petition, I will present facts that I received Ineffective assistance of counsel where as Detective Phillips, Sandra Sanchez, Kenneth Witherspoon, and Wesley Carr all should’ve been impeach for committing perjury under oath. The Trial and Post Conviction transcripts speaks volumes. One of many instances…. Ms.Sandra Sanchez “the state’s witness” a woman I met in late 80’s. We only had a casual copulated relationship for a summer. She found out I was seeing another women and became irate, so I had her arrested and she had previous warrants for worthless check cashing and I have not seen her since 1989. Ms.Sanchez ultimately became a career criminal, because prior before my trial and after she violated her probation and went to prison for multiply counts of Aggravated theft by Deception crimes of dishonesty. There are many other instances…. My personal DNA wasn’t found to be present anywhere, there was no blood found at my resident, no weapon, no signs of a struggle found at my resident, no fingerprints, and no eyewitnesses. All of these issues and many more were present prior before my rifle trial was created and Attorney Steven D.Brown fail to present our agreed defense strategy. I am very acceptance in providing and Inquiries any information needed to gain your support, as I fight for my exhortation.
I can be reached at Lebron Hollingsworth 4739 1045 Horsehead Road Pikeville, Tennessee 37367
Mr. Hollingsworth
Our website address is: